Before going to the cross Jesus says a prayer to the Father for us. What an awesome prayer it is. As I read the words of His prayer I am so amazed. He loves us so much that He prays to the Father that we will be one with them as they are one. Being one with Christ, how awesome is that? Christ doesn't stop there. He also gives all who believe, the glory, the same glory that God the Father gave Him. This word glory in the Greek means dignity and honour. Jesus wants the world to know and believe that the Father sent Him and loves Him and that the Father loves us the same. God the Father is the very essence of Life giving love. Love is who He is. The cross of Jesus was the only answer for sins washing away. The cross is what it had to take for God to satisfy the powerful force of love that had to be released from Him for all of mankind. This was the most ultimate gift of Love that the world will ever know. He pours out His mercy and grace upon us every single day so that He can be fully satisfied and sate the force of love within Him. He is so full of love for us. His love will never run out. The blood of Jesus still flows with life for you today. It is never to late for you to recognize Jesus and His finished work of the cross of love. It was all for you. Believe His Word and what He has done. Receive His Love for you and become ONE with the Creator of the heavens and the earth and share His glory. What an honor and how humbled I am to know that the God of the universe chose me and even loved me while I was yet in my sin. I can't help but give Him all of my praise, honor and worship. For He alone is worthy. I love Him, because He first loved me. God has so much more that He desires to give us and show us. We will not be able to fathom or even comprehend all that He has for us until we see Him face to face.