I didn't really think about this to much until yesterday after putting our dog (Angel) to sleep. She had been with us for almost 15 years. We've had to put pets to sleep before but this time it was different somehow. I started thinking about how nothing in this life lasts forever, and the years with our dog Angel made me think about the last fifteen years as a whole, and what life has entailed.
Our children grew as Angel grew. It made me take inventory of life and what life is all about. There is no permanence, no consistencies. When it is all said and done, there is an end that comes and it cannot be stopped. Life is fleeting. There is fulfillment for the short vapor of time and then there is a sense of emptiness that hovers once again.
I began to feel somewhat discouraged and depressed. But as I was in my prayer time I began thinking about how nice it would be to always have a sense of forever, and eternity. Then the Lord reminded me that He is my Everlasting Father. He is EVERLASTING, He has no end. He reminded me that He is my eternity and all of life is eternal in Him, for in Him is life everlasting. This brought me great hope and peace. I was reminded of the scriptures in Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. It is almost Christmas and the Lord was lovingly reminding me of who He is to me, and to all of us for that matter. Our Everlasting Father.
I am reminded that I do have a hope and something to look forward to. So I began to encourage myself in the Lord, for He alone is my fulfillment. I had to ask myself would I really look forward to my life with Him if I never felt a sense of emptiness here? God reminded me that this is not my home and I am just passing through. My home is with Him, my place is with Him. My treasures are laid up in heaven where moth and rust don't corrupt, and where thieves do not break through or steal. For where my treasure is, there will my heart be also.
We go from this life into life eternal and there is no place for the END there and that is encouraging to know. I have to admit that this thought has made me long to be in heaven with my Everlasting Father even more. I look forward to seeing loved ones that have gone on and call me crazy, but I also believe that our Heavenly Father has a special place in heaven for our pets, and we will be able to see them once again as well.
Jesus is who satisfies me, for it is in Him alone that I have completeness. He will never leave me! I look forward to being with Him in that day where there will be no more death, pain, or heartache, but only total fulfillment of Love, Joy and Peace. Hallelujah!
Maybe the reason I Love to Praise and Worship the Lord so much is because being in heaven with Him is what I look forward to, for He is EVERLASTING. He is someone that I can hold onto forever. Time will never be able to Take my EVERLASTING FATHER from me. For God the Father is TIME. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.
1 Pet. 1:24-25a. For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth for ever.
In Loving Memory of Angel
(6-20-1993 to 12-20-2007)