When it was time to come to the altar and pray, I got right up and knelt down at the altar and my prayer as an 8 year old child went something like this:
Jesus, I am so sorry that you had to go through all that suffering and pain because of sin. And you did that just for me and the whole world. Thank you Jesus for doing that for me, because now I can be with you some day. I continued to cry and tell Jesus how sorry I was because of His pain but I also was crying and telling Jesus how thankful I was that He did that for me so that I could be with Him one day. That was pretty much my whole prayer pouring forth from a child's heart.
It was later on in life that I began writing poetry. I would like to share my very first poem that I wrote. It is a poem based upon my salvation experience as a child.
Why Jesus, why did you die for me?
Why Jesus, why did you give me life eternally?
Why did you do this for me?
You hung on that awful cross and you suffered and died
But as you hung on that cross you beckoned me to your side
Why Jesus?
My sin was your agony
My sin was your pain
My sin was your humility
It is my sin
It is me to blame!
Why Jesus?
That kind of love is hard to comprehend
I was hurting you, yet you freed me from my sin
Why Jesus?
Through your blood-stained tears it is me that you see
I was hurting you, yet you were loving me
Why Jesus?
It is love, it is amazing love!
Tamela Greenwell