Jn.1:1- In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God.
Jn.1:14- And the WORD was "made flesh" and "dwelt among us", (and we beheld His glory, the glory of the ONLY BEGOTTEN of the Father), full of grace and Truth.
Jn.3:16- For God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Do you see the similarities in those verses. If you truly believe in Jesus then you will believe the Word, because they are the same. I am not being judgemental nor am I condemning anyone I am only sharing God's Word and what it says. I am truly concerned for those who call themselves Christian but toss the Word aside. And sadly many throw parts of the Bible out just so they can continue living a life in sin, because it's easier that way and they don't feel convicted. The Bible says that we are to examine ourselves to see if we are truly in Christ or not. How do we do this you may ask? Well, by simply believing in Jesus/The Word, and believing that He/Jesus and He/The Word is indeed Truth and for us to live by. Jesus/Word is the Way the Truth and the Life.
Sometimes I think it is easier to grasp truths in poetry. So I have a poem to share concerning this subject.
We have lifted our voices and your Truth we proclaim
We have even loved others in Jesus mighty name
But hearts are so cold and hardened to thee
That your Word they reject and from their sins they won't flee
Oh! they say they believe and on your Word they do stand
But when put to the test they fulfill their own plan
They walk their own path and justify their sin
As if your Word means nothing and doesn't pertain to them
They honor you with their lips, just words that is all
For their heart is far from you and to the world they do call
What's going to be sad, is on that final day
When they come knocking at your door and you turn them away
"Depart from me" those words will ring true,
"You workers of iniquity for you I never knew"
"For me to know you and you to truly know me
A love for my Word must be your heart's plea"
"I cannot know you if you toss my Word to the side
For you see it's in me (MY WORD) you abide"
"It's my Spirit that binds us (my Word in your heart)
Which brings us together and never apart"
"For I am the Word and Jesus Christ is my name
And we cannot be separated for we are ONE in the same."
Tamela Greenwell