To know to do the right and yet make a choice to do wrong is rebellion. The Word of God is very clear in what is right and what is wrong, yet so many times we as a rebellious people will still choose wrong instead of right, thus choosing death instead of life. God gives us an example in His Word of a rebellious attitude.
Mt. 22:11-14 (Amp.) But when the king came in to view the guests, he looked intently at a man there who had on no wedding garment. And he said, Friend, how did you come in here without putting on the [appropriate] wedding garment? And he was speechless (muzzled, gagged). Then the king said to the attendants, Tie him hand and foot, and throw him into the darkness outside; there will be weeping and grinding of teeth. For many are called (invited and summoned), but few are chosen.
This man knew that in order for him to come to the wedding feast he was required to honor the the king by wearing the appropriate attire.
This parable use to bother me until the Lord gave me understanding on it. I use to think, "poor man he just forgot to put on the right garment, give him a break." But no, this man was a rebellious man. He was insensitive and didn't have a desire to honor the king with the appropriate garment. He said to himself, "I will come as I please and wear what I want to wear." I will do my will, not the kings will!
Sure, we can wear what we want for that is our choice, but don't be surprised when the king throws you out into the outer darkness where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth. Weeping because you have been caught in your rebellion and now you are paying the price. And grinding of teeth because this angers you. Aren't we entitled to do what we want, and who is to tell us any differently! This is the attitude of the world and sadly the same attitude in many churches.
The last verse goes on to say "for many are called but few are chosen". It was this man's choice to be chosen or not. All it took was honoring the king by placing upon himself the appropriate garments. It was his choice and he made the wrong one and knew better.
What garments are you wearing? Are they honoring the King or are they honoring yourself and or the enemy? Are we wearing garments that was given to us by the world, man or the enemy and not garments that were given to us by our God? Are we clothed in the righteousness of Christ Jesus? Are we clothed with the garments of salvation? Do we have on our garment of Praise unto our God? Are we clothed with Jesus, which is the armor of God? Jesus is our helmet of salvation, Jesus is our breastplate of Righteousness, Jesus is our belt of Truth, for He is the Truth. Jesus is in whom we have faith, He is our shield of faith. Jesus is our shoes of Peace. Jesus is the sword of the Spirit, for He is the Word of God which became flesh and dwelt among us. When God looks upon us and if we are not clothed with the garment of salvation (Jesus His Son), we will be cast out into the outer darkness. To be invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb we must be clothed with God's beloved Son, who is Christ Jesus in us our hope of Glory. If you are trying to get to God through any other means than Jesus, I am sorry my friend, but you will be cast into the outer darkness. No man can come to the Father except through His Son Christ Jesus.
Ask yourself, am I wearing garments of rebellion, anger, unforgiveness, immorality, power, control, greed, manipulation, bitterness, pride? Could I be wearing garments of condemnation, unworthiness, shame, fear? Even these garments are not honoring your King.
God knows us inside and out for He is our Creator God, so may we choose the garments which His Son made for us. They are just the right size, and the most beautiful of garments in His sight, and they fit perfectly! May we honor our God and make His Son Jesus our identity.
For who or what we make our identity is who we honor. For what is on the inside, will show forth on the outside. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak. For what comes out of us is what defiles us.