Sunday, November 25, 2007

Christ's prayer for us

Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou has sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. Jn. 17: 20-23.

Before going to the cross Jesus says a prayer to the Father for us. What an awesome prayer it is. As I read the words of His prayer I am so amazed. He loves us so much that He prays to the Father that we will be one with them as they are one. Being one with Christ, how awesome is that? Christ doesn't stop there. He also gives all who believe, the glory, the same glory that God the Father gave Him. This word glory in the Greek means dignity and honour. Jesus wants the world to know and believe that the Father sent Him and loves Him and that the Father loves us the same. God the Father is the very essence of Life giving love. Love is who He is. The cross of Jesus was the only answer for sins washing away. The cross is what it had to take for God to satisfy the powerful force of love that had to be released from Him for all of mankind. This was the most ultimate gift of Love that the world will ever know. He pours out His mercy and grace upon us every single day so that He can be fully satisfied and sate the force of love within Him. He is so full of love for us. His love will never run out. The blood of Jesus still flows with life for you today. It is never to late for you to recognize Jesus and His finished work of the cross of love. It was all for you. Believe His Word and what He has done. Receive His Love for you and become ONE with the Creator of the heavens and the earth and share His glory. What an honor and how humbled I am to know that the God of the universe chose me and even loved me while I was yet in my sin. I can't help but give Him all of my praise, honor and worship. For He alone is worthy. I love Him, because He first loved me. God has so much more that He desires to give us and show us. We will not be able to fathom or even comprehend all that He has for us until we see Him face to face.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Precious Jewels

When the Holy Spirit shows up in the midst of God's people it is like Precious Jewels being spread out upon a table for all to freely have and enjoy for themselves. Through the beautiful Body of Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit you may receive a Word, a song, or an exhortation. Whatever the jewel that is given to you, it will be the most Precious Jewel of all because you will know that it is a gift from the Holy Spirit to you. You will hang onto it and cherish it and hold it close to your heart. It will not be hidden though. Others shall see it also. Some will desire these Precious Jewels from the Holy Spirit for themselves and likewise they will cherish them and hold them close to their hearts. With Great Joy the Holy Spirit will want us to share these jewels that He has given us (for His Glory). We will rejoice in doing this and be glad to share. When God's people get excited about the good news they can't keep it to themselves. Our desire will be for others to have and to hold a Precious Jewel as well. The cycle continues and the jewels multiply for all to partake of. In all of our excitement we must remember and always be careful in listening to the Holy Spirit concerning these Precious Jewels and who He instructs us to share them with. For God has told us in His Word to never throw our Precious pearls before the swine, for they will only be trampled under their feet and the swine will turn and tear you to pieces. Sadly, some people could care less about the preciousness/sacredness of God's Word. Truth and Love mean absolutely nothing to them. And if it has anything to do with God's Word, especially concerning His Son Jesus they want nothing to do with Him in their lives, for you see they believe that they are their own god. Others may be the religious folk, legalistic and pharisaical, they know nothing about the spiritual intimacy in worshipful relationship to Christ Jesus. They do not have the Holy Spirit which brings about the intimate communion with God. They are all about gaining knowledge and works orientated. For someone to have balance in their life there must be both Spirit (communion) and Truth (knowledge).

A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality): for the Father is seeking just such a people as these as His worshipers.

God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality). (John 4:23-24 Amp.).

Being sensitive to the instruction of the Holy Spirit and having wisdom in what He desires for you is God's will for us. Know this, no one or nothing will ever be able to steal this Precious Jewel away from you. It is your sustenance of Life and Truth. It is your Rhema Word from God that has penetrated deep within your being. You have been transformed because your mind has been renewed. You have been given a new beginning. A holy fire/zeal will rise up within you for it is Christ in you the hope of Glory/your resurrection. The same power that resurrected Christ Jesus from the dead is the same power that is within you. Our Spirit man is alive and well. He says; "rise up mighty child of God! Walk in the Power of the Holy Spirit for the flesh has no power over you. For you will not be brought under the power of the flesh or the enemy any longer. You are a new creation. Old things are passed away, behold all things have been made new." Take hold of the Precious Jewel that has been given to you and burn once again with the Passionate Fire and Power of God! For you are.....................


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Prophetic Vision

While a group of us were in prayer on the evening of 11-2-07 there was a Prophetic vision given; There were two hands with a book in the heavens, they opened the book as if reading. Then the book was turned over face down so that a group of people could see what was written in the book. They fell to the ground and began to worship the One who held the book. In the book was written the Logos. " The Plan of the Father " The people read and understood the plan. Then while the people were worshiping there appeared a whirl-wind of wind and fire. It was spinning in a clockwise rotation over the people. The people were still prostrate on their faces worshiping with all their might. They were being changed by the wind and the fire. Suddenly the fire was gone and the wind was no more and the people got up and began to move into the same direction. From the people came confidence, assuredness, no fear, singleness of mind and thought. They knew the plan and began to walk in it.
As I was contemplating upon this vision the Lord began showing me those people who are walking in singleness of mind with assuredness and no fear. They were the army of God. They are clothed in Christ Jesus from the tops of their heads to the soles of their feet. They have upon their heads the helmet of Salvation. Upon their breasts is the breast plate of Righteousness. Girding their waists is the belt of Truth. Upon their feet is the Gospel of the shoes of Peace. Covering their whole being was the shield of Faith. The sword of the Spirit was grasped tightly in their hands. They had a mission, a focus. They were not looking to the right or to the left they were moving forward and speaking the Word of God. They were on the offence not just the defense. They weren't backing down or looking back but moving forward and speaking the Word. The enemy had no power over them, they were not daunted by him.

The enemy being the accuser and liar as he is shouts tirades to God's people such as "You aren't worthy,"  "your a failure" and will never amount to anything." But this particular army of God would reply back in unison. "We have been made worthy by the blood of Christ Jesus. We are the Righteousness of Christ Jesus." The enemy wasn't giving up, "remember what the Doctor told you?" shouted the enemy, "you are going to die you have a disease in your body". The army shouted in unison; "by the stripes of Jesus we are healed, we believe the report of the Lord." The enemy is relentless, but so is the army of God. "You are not going to be able to get out of this pit of debt, you are going to lose everything, shouts the enemy." "My God will supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory, He has given me more than enough, I will have no lack, He has rebuked the devourer". "Your friends and family are all against you, " shouts the enemy. "If God be for us who can be against us," says the army of God. The enemy is starting to become anxious because the army of God is closing in on him and he is running out of time and tricks. The army surrounds him and draws in closer. The army of God shouts; "you are defeated devil, Jesus is victorious." "We are complete in Christ Jesus." " We are one with Christ Jesus." "You are under His feet therefore you are under our feet." The enemy continues screaming his tirade of accusations. Now the army of God is shouting: We can't hear you anymore devil because of the roaring laughter of the Great I AM.

Move forward! Speak the Word! Don't give up! We have the Victory in Christ Jesus!

Light breaking forth!

Have you ever been studying God's Word and suddenly there is a quickening in your spirit and you have understanding that gives you deepe...