I desire all who may come across this posting to be encouraged and realize that God truly cares for you. Every intimate detail of your life is important to Him. You are His child and He is your Creator and your heavenly Father. He knows you better than anyone. He knows your likes and dislikes. He rejoices when you are rejoicing. He is acquainted with your heartaches and sorrows. He is your friend that sticks closer than a brother. You are known by Him and He longs for you to share with Him your life and all that you are (your dreams, heartaches, desires, hopes and joys, etc.).
God desires your communion with Him and this brings Him great joy because you are His child. God has not waited for you to come to Him He has already come to you. He made the first steps toward you. He thinks of you always. He offers to you His love and peace which passes all understanding. He is not condemning nor will He ever turn His back on you. When joy sweeps over you He will rejoice with you. Your joy is His joy. Read His love letter to you (the Bible) everything has been written down just for you.
To be known of God is for our benefit, for our good, for our blessings. He is the ultimate Giver. He gives and gives and then gives some more. Ask yourself this question; Do you think He only knows
"of" you, or that He truly knows You? This is an important question. You must first understand that God intimately knows you and truly cares for you. And before you can truly know Him you must first know this about Him concerning you. Did you get that? I hope you did. Let me give you an example. Let's use a parent/child relationship, being that we are talking about our relationship as a child to our heavenly Father. If a parent only knew
"of" their child they might say something like this; My son is 18, he has blond hair and blue eyes. He is attending college right now and studying to be a Doctor. He is 1 of 4 sons, and right now he is working part time at a bank until he completes his studies. He has a red sports car and is trying to save his money so that he can soup it up some more. That is an example of knowing
of him. To know him, the parent would maybe say something like this; My son has a heart to help people. He loves people and he enjoys bringing comfort and joy to them. He's very gifted in being hospitable and enjoys taking others for rides in his sports car. He always has a smile or a kind word to say to those who he senses might be discouraged. He is a very loyal and committed person. He has a lot of wisdom for his age and is very courteous and conscientious about thinking before he speaks. He is a young man of integrity and honor. His most favorite thing to do is to talk to others about the good books he has read. He has a tough time with his organizational skills though, that is something he is still working on. He loves working on his car and his favorite color is red. He enjoys dancing and he really knows how to make people laugh. Do you see the difference? Do you see how to know a son is so much more different than just knowing
"of" him?
This is how God is with us. When He thinks of us, He thinks of our person, our character and what we love and enjoy, and what makes us happy and what makes us sad. He thinks on who we are and how we have been created by Him. He lets us know how proud He is of us. He has made each one of us unique and we have been created in His image. He tells us things like; You are the apple of my eye. I have chosen you. Nothing will separate you from my love. I have loved you with an everlasting love. You are a priest and a king in my kingdom. I have made you the first and not the last. Nothing by any means will harm you. You are my beloved. You are a teacher in my kingdom. You have been crowned with my loving kindness. You are blessed of me and mighty in spirit. When God says these things, He is saying that He is proud of His children. The Potter knows His creation most intimately and He lets us know "if" we would but listen.
God has so much that He desires to give to us. He is the lover of our lives and His love is unconditional. His plans and desires for us are good. Know this my friend, when no one seems to really care, look to your Creator your Heavenly Daddy because no one will ever love and care for you more than Him. Only we can hinder ourselves from His love and attention by not receiving it from Him. What breaks my heart is that there are still so many people that have the mindset that God doesn't really concern Himself with them on an intimate level. I pray if that is you, you will break out of that mindset so that you may truly know the person and character of God and His awesome love for you.
Let it be revealed to you today that He truly knows you so that you may begin to know Him.