Monday, June 9, 2008

I Called and Grace Came

I can't seem to get away from His Grace. Maybe it is because God has been so very gracious to me and I am so very thankful to Him for this.

When I should of been dead I Called and Grace Came and I found that He had kept me alive.

When I felt so alone and rejected I Called and Grace Came and I found that He would never leave me nor forsake me.

When I felt so ashamed and full of guilt I Called and Grace Came and I found that He had forgiven me.

When I should have been in prison I Called and Grace Came and I found that He had set me free.

When I didn't know which way to go I Called and Grace Came and I found that He was leading me.

When I was ready to give up I Called and Grace came and I found that He had strengthened me.

When it seemed that all hope was loss I Called and Grace Came and I found that He rescued me.
I am so thankful to God for His Grace. It has caused me to have an intimate relationship of communion with Him which is first and foremost in my life, but it doesn't stop there. God/Jesus has been our example of how we are to treat others. What I have learned is that I can never expect God to expand my territory as to be an honorable vessel for Him and for His Glory if I cannot be faithful in showing His Love, Mercy, Grace and Forgiveness to others. It is all about our relationship with Him as well as our relationships with others! Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart soul mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. On these two laws hangs all the laws. If we can't get these two right than we can't expect God to entrust us with anything. Love, Grace, Mercy and forgiveness are all verbs they come with action. Jesus showed His love, Grace, Mercy and forgiveness by stepping up and taking our place.
Love reaches
Grace gives
Mercy replaces
Forgiveness brings communion

Ask yourself: Am I giving Love, Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness to others as God has given to me?


Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Thanks, Tammy.

I have added you to my links as well, and I look forward to blogging with you and others.


jeleasure said...

I see the similarity to Matthew 25 in what you have here. Obviously, the message has impressed itself on you.
Also, you use the word communion. Have you thought about this word? Or this word, "Commun - ity?
What do you think?

Light breaking forth!

Have you ever been studying God's Word and suddenly there is a quickening in your spirit and you have understanding that gives you deepe...