Friday, January 29, 2016

Know who you are in Christ Jesus Pt. 3 (unmasking the enemy)

Let us begin to unmask the enemy according to God's Word. The Bible warns us to beware of wolves in sheep clothing. They are described as false teachers and prophets. According to (2 Peter chapter 2 amp. paraphrased) there are false teachers among us who will subtly and stealthily introduce heretical doctrines even denying and disowning the Master who bought them. Many will follow their immoral ways and lustful doings. They will slander and attack the good name of Jesus who is the Way for all men. They are very skilled and crafty in their deceptions as they exploit God's people in cunning arguments. Their argument might be based on reasonable evidence, but is brought forth boldly and with arrogance and sometimes offensive language. They are self-willed and self-loving and scoff honorable authorities without fear. They are unreasonable and live according to flesh and instinct. They will complain bitterly or abusively about things that they are ignorant of. They take great pleasure in unrestrained celebrations living luxuriously. They take great pleasure in their deceptions as they feast with you. They will bait as to deceive and lure away unstable souls. They are loud in their boasting and folly and lure those who can barely escape from wrong doing. They speak great words of liberty, while they themselves are slaves of depravity and defilement. They take great pleasure in deceiving others to bring them down to their level as to be enslaved. The Scriptures talk about those who do not teach with a wholesome reverence toward God, that they are puffed up and full of pride and deceit, but woefully ignorant. They have a morbid fondness for controversy and disputes and strife about words, which result in envy and jealousy, quarrels and dissension, abuse and insults and slander, and base suspicions. They prolong arguing and bickering and are corrupt in mind and no not the truth (1 Timothy 6 amp. paraphrased). The enemy will operate in a superficial wisdom and not the wisdom from God. This kind of wisdom is earthly, unspiritual (animal), even devilish (demoniacal). He brings forth an atmosphere of jealousy, envy and contention rivalry and selfish ambition. He also breeds an atmosphere of confusion, unrest, disharmony, rebellion and all sorts of evil and vile practices (James 3: 15-16 amp. paraphrased). We who know Christ and know who we are in Him should withdraw from such people.

Know who you are in Christ Jesus Pt. 4 we will talk about the enemy's tactics and how he entices the vulnerable and tries to silence the strong in the Lord!

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