Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Obeying God's Word-vs-Obeying man's word

Do we as Christians "truly" listen and obey our Heavenly Father and His Word, knowing that His Word is what is right and true, or do we have a tendency to lean more toward man's word and believe what he has to say?

Some are quick to obey man's word before God's Word. They believe man before they believe God. They seek man before they seek God. They ask man before they ask God. They trust man before they trust God. They will search a self-help book written by man before going to the ultimate self-help book written by the Holy Spirit. And some will continue in the man-mode of obeying and never "truly" look to God for the answers concerning his physical as well as his spiritual life. Why is this?


Gigi said...

I don't have an answer for you, I'm afraid...but I am SO glad to see you back!!

nitewrit said...


Welcome back to the blog world.

Most of us want to hear what we want. We seek out self-help books which agree with our view and then hope they have some secret we overlooked that will give us what we want.

When we turn to God, He give's us what we need, which is not always what we want.

But if we begin to trust God to give us what we need, we will find we are much more satisfied and then we will want it more.

It isn't easy and we seldom make it all the way; it's a lifetime journey, but it's worth the effort. But the more we do it, the more we trust God, the more he makes it easier for us to trust.


Tamela's Place said...

Thanks gigi :)

Tamela's Place said...

Hey larry,

I agree with what you are saying and thankyou for the welcome back :)

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

'Some are quick to obey man's word before God's Word. They believe man before they believe God. They seek man before they seek God. They ask man before they ask God. They trust man before they trust God. They will search a self-help book written by man before going to the ultimate self-help book written by the Holy Spirit.'

And such is the apostate church.


Tamela's Place said...

Thanks Russ,

So if this is the description of the Apostate church have we already seen the great falling away as the Bible speaks of in 2 Thess.? If you wouldn't mind i would like your thoughts on this thank you and God bless :)

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Thanks, Tamela, as far as 2 Thess. is concerned I tend to think there will be an actual antichrist person and system in the future, although I acknowledge in the Bible antichrists already (I John) existed.

Perhaps the falling away has begun and will increase. I am not sure.


Tamela's Place said...

Thanks Russ, my husband and i were talking about this just this morning and we were saying also that the falling away has already begun and will continue and get worse. And we also believe that the antichrist will appear on scene maybe sooner than what we might think but still not sure, along with his system. Thanks for your insight :)

Light breaking forth!

Have you ever been studying God's Word and suddenly there is a quickening in your spirit and you have understanding that gives you deepe...