Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Don't Panic!

God is right there and He hears your cry. He said that He would never leave you or forsake you, so don't panic! That is easier said than done, isn't it? When we feel afraid/insecure panic can easily set in. In the panic mode we begin struggling in our own desperate attempt to survive. Which can be deadly.

When fear begins creeping into our hearts and minds this is the time that we need to be still and trust God. Do not struggle by trying to do things in your own strength and power. Cry out to God! it's okay, just don't panic. Rest, be still and trust Him. Your Heavenly Daddy hears your cry and He will come to your aid just in time, and sweep you up in His arms.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post as it was something I really needed to hear right now.

Tracy said...

Oh, I remember this. The first time I saw it was while I was pregnant with Reagan and after my first miscarriage. I panicked! I even knew that the ending had to be a good one, but emotionally I couldn't deal at that time. It is powerful though, and what a great perspective, to tie it in to our Father. Great post! Blessings!

jeleasure said...

I really was worried that no one would come to save the baby. I can see it was staged, now.
Even though the baby understands to roll on his back and float, I would be afraid that the baby would drown. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Tamela, I am going to pass on that video to my friends with little children.

I pressed the Don't Panic! button, and I did not panic.;) It works!

nitewrit said...


Amazing little video about a good thing for parents to consider if they have small ones with access to pools and a great use of it to illustrate a Christian principle. I have to admit watching it I kept thinking, "put down the camera and get the kid!" :)


Farrah said...

Extraordinary! I've never heard of children so young learning that!

IJ Hanna Lucky said...

Godbless you sis we will not panic in Jesus Mighty Name Amen

Gigi said...

Yes...sometimes we float, sometimes we swim! But the one thing we know is that our Father will not let us sink! Great post Tamela!

Scott said...

Wow! I gotta pass this on. I almost lost my son to near drowning. It was at a party with many people around, I turned while standing in the jaccuzi and saw him sinking in the pool, blue, staring up, lifeless, not moving. I panicked and tried mouth to mouth but nothing would go in, I could not find a pulse, HE WAS BLUE!, I ran out of the pool with him and slipped and his head hit the concrete like a bowling ball. He vomited and began to breath. The rest is history, he is alive and well, but I still have nightmares. Please spread this and tell others. Watch your children! By the Grace of God my son lived. I have never told this to anyone... I was drunk. I am so ashamed, God forgive me.

Tamela's Place said...

hello Scott

Wow!, what a scary moment for a Father. I Praise the Lord that your little boy was alright. God really has a way of getting our attention don't He? and when God gets our attention there is no forgetting it. God is so merciful and gracious to us even when we are at our worst. Thanks for your comment Scott. May God continue to bless you and your family!

Light breaking forth!

Have you ever been studying God's Word and suddenly there is a quickening in your spirit and you have understanding that gives you deepe...